Become a NiYA Instructor

From Teaching Passion to Impact & Job Creation

Transferring knowledge is one of the most fulfilling endeavors anyone can do. NiYA is the perfect place to share your knowledge and reach millions of Youths in the coming years.


Join the evolution - let's come together and build Nigeria's largest collection of Online Courses.

  • Tertiary institutions & Academia - Can place their short courses or get their professors to teach on NiYA

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    Professional Bodies and Associations - Can give us instructors and contents on specific areas

  • Subject Matter Experts - Anyone with expertize in any particular field can offer their courses

  • Content Owners - Do you have existing contents on our selected area, showcase them on NiYA

  • Instructors and Teachers - Can give us contents on specific areas

Benefits of teaching on NiYA

Nigerians are among the most intelligent and resourceful people you would find anywhere in the world. We learn, we excel and we conquer different fields of human endeavors - from music to tech, sports, scientific endeavors, finance, entertainment, medicine, and much more. We have the knowledge and expertise, now its time to transfer to the next generation.

Inspire next Generation

The best way to transform a people is through culture and education. Bring your knowledge and lessons and let's produce leaders of tomorrow. 

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Promote your Brand

With millions of views for your course and lessons, your personal and professional / corporate brand will become youth-friendly and respected.

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Go Digital 

If you always wanted an opportunity and the right platform to go Digital with your knowledge, NiYA is your gateway. 

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Job Creation

Imagine 1,000 courses and the impact on the economy - instructors, video producers, animators, content creators, writers, tech, course builders and more.

Network people

Get Rewarded

Expand your professional network, connect with our partners, increase your expertise, and ride on the success to reposition your brand. 

Get Inspired - from other Instructors

Teaching Online is fun and super easy and the best part, you have the NiYA team on your side. Our instructors come from all over the world and they have produced some high-impact courses. Here is a sneak peek of some instructors and trailers of their courses, which are already live on NiYA. 

Shoe Making Course - Female and Male

With Sharon Felix Amenze

The Bee-Keeping Course - From Honey to Money

With Oluwaseun Johnson

Pottery for Beginners - Learn, Create, Earn

With Abubakar Awwal Gaddafi 

The Process - Seamless and Easy



Click register anywhere on this page, complete the forms and submit required documentation


Your Content

Put together your Curriculum and Content


Your Production

Get your videos recorded in a professional manner


Quality Assurance

Check for errors and be sure NOT to PLAGIARIZE or use another person's contents without permission. 


Course Building

Submit all to us and we will build the course on the NiYA platform for you 


  • Who can teach on NiYA?

    Teachers and Professors, Instructors, Subject Experts, Experienced Professionals, Craftsmen, Tertiary Institutions of Learning, Coaches.

  • Do I pay to teach on NiYA?

    Teaching on NiYA is absolutely free. You do not need to pay to teach. The platform is free for all learners and creates a large ecosystem for everyone. 

  • How do I produce my Course?

    To be an instructor, you must already have some knowledge and skills to transfer. Simply gather your notes, prepare the course contents (i.e., what you will teach), review for errors, and then proceed to hire someone to record the course in a professional way. 

  • Who owns the Intellectual Property?

    You remain the owner of intellectual property for the original contents. You can continue to use your content anytime, anywhere. Now let's talk about the derivative works, i.e., the videos, audio, designs, and animations that are produced.
    ● If you produce the videos and other derivative works, then the ownership of the videos and derivatives remains yours.
    ● If NiYA produces the videos for you, NiYA will retain ownership of the videos and derivatives.

    In any case, you will always own the IP for your original contents. 

  • Do learners pay for my Course?

    NiYA is completely FREE for all learners. 

  • How do I record the videos?

    As with any wedding or event taking place at your location, hire a videographer and an editor. One person can perform both production and editing.
    ● Show them sample videos of other courses you like.
    ● They will find the location that suits your needs.
    ● Be comfortable; you can stand, sit, use a board, or be in any other position.
    ● Practice your course, script, and what you will say.
    ● The video team will record you; it usually takes a day or two, depending on the length and your schedule.
    ● They will then edit the videos and share them with you.
    ● You upload to a Google Drive and share the link with us.

  • What are the settings for the Camera and recording? Do you provide guidance?

    The camera settings will be made available to you to show your Videographer. We will also share tutorials on how to go about producing your videos. 

  • What are the benefits I get for teaching on NiYA?

    The benefits of being a NiYA instructor are huge. You make an impact, you transfer knowledge to the next generation, your personal and professional brand soars, you become part of a large ecosystem, and you go digital and showcase it to the whole world. 

  • Do you support your instructors?

    Yes we always do. We are just a WhatsApp chat and phone call away from you. We will provide you more details when you register. 

  • Do you receive instructors from any location?

    Yes—no limitations, no discrimination. Our instructors can come from anywhere. You own your space, you are respected, and you have built your reputation. Now it's time to showcase it. ALL WE ASK: DO NOT PLAGIARISE, DO NOT GIVE A LOW QUALITY COURSE. Put your best foot forward, and know that your brand will go far and wide and make an impact.